Smart ways you should be using website analysis and traffic statistics to your benefit

November 3, 2018

Analytics is becoming one word that all big brands and SMEs interested in digital marketing are running behind. Analytics mean systematic analysis and computation of data to help make decisions. If you have a website but are not tracking the statistics behind it, then you are losing out on important information that can make or break your business.

Why do you need to measure or analyze your website performance?

Most times, a website is a primary place where your sales happen. Other times, websites provide leads that generate potential sales. For both these reasons, you should be aware of what customers are doing on your site, how long they spend online and what they actually search for.


Image source: Pixabay

Without analyzing the backend data, your digital marketing technique might be just a guessing game and that will not work long term. If you are serious about developing a marketing strategy and allocating budgets, then you must be using certain factors to measure your performance and make the right changes.

Here is what you should be checking out from your analytics report

Number of hits/visits

This is a basic figure that every marketer and business owner needs to check out. The total number of visits tell you how many people in the UK and around the world actually visit your website. The more this number, the more reach your website has.

New sessions VS repeat visitors

Both new and repeat visitors are important. Repeat visitors tell you the total number of loyal customers who come back to your site. New sessions mean new leads and this increases your customer base with time.

Bounce rate

This number needs to be as low as possible. This tells how many % of visitors left your website after just visiting one page. The more this is, you will need to work on tweaking your site to make it more attractive and user friendly.

Engagement rate

There are several factors that are included here. The actual time people spend on the site, the page where people actually leave your site, the number of people who engage in live chat are all important. All these give you precious information on the type of customers you have. If you are concentrating on people in a particular city like London, you can get precious information on which part of the city they are from, their gender, interest and so on.


Image source: Pixabay

What do you do after getting traffic statistics and website analytic information?

There are a lot of free and paid report generators from where you can get all required information. Getting information is not enough though. You should be fine tuning your website based on the data and keep learning from them. When you monitor these numbers, you can set goals and move forward.